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Chocapic Shaders Mod for Minecraft 1.18

Chocapic Shaders Mod 1.18 Review and Tutorial

Chocapic Shaders mod for Minecraft 1.18,is one of the famous shaders for Minecraft, this is characterized by having muted tones but at the same time very defined. We are going to leave you a video and images so you can see it with your own eyes!

Shader without lagg for Minecraft 1.18

Chocapic Shaders serves for unpowerful pcs,not having many brightness or reflections is a good shader to have on your pc if it isn’t a gamer’s pc. What stands out most about these shaders is that by focusing on one thing with the zoom of the optifine, we can see how it is defined and the background is blurred. Giving a cinematic effect!

How to Download and Install Chocapic Shaders mod for Minecraft 1.18?

  1. Download the “.jar” file of Chocapic Shaders 1.18 from the official links (below you have them)
  2. You must have Forge installed for the corresponding version
  3. Open the windows search engine and enter %appdata%
  4. Here you will find the “.minecraft” folder, enter it
  5. Then here look for the folder “mods”
  6. Once found, that’s where the mods go put the “.jar” there
  7. Now you just have to select the version of Forge you want and open Minecraft
⚡️ Available Versions📥 Official Download Links (CurseForge)
Minecraft 1.18Download
  • Chocapic Shaders Mod
  • 1.18*coming soon*
    Minecraft 1.17.1Download Chocapic Shaders Mod 1.17.1
    Minecraft 1.16.5Download Chocapic Shaders Mod 1.16.5
    Optifine 1.18Download Optifine 1.18 *coming soon*
    Optifine 1.17.1Download Optifine 1.17.1
    Optifine 1.16.5Download Optifine 1.16.5
    Mod CreatorsChoca_13
    Something You Should Know (CopyRight):
    – We only use Official Links of the Authors, they are 100% Safe.
    – We do not modify or add any extras to any of the files.
    – All Mods, Textures, Shaders and contents are not hosted on our server.

    Conoce al Autor de este Post: Mi nombre es Kiko, llevo más de 10 años jugando a Minecraft, empecé cuándo tenía 14 años, y desde entonces no he parado. Esta web es la muestra de mi pasión sobre el universo de Minecraft, siempre he sido super fan de los Mods de Minecraft, las Texturas y los Shaders, por eso decidí crear esta web informativa para que toda el habla Hispana pudiera tener también buen contenido sobre el juego.

    Nuestras Guías y Tutoriales de Instalación de mods para Minecraft

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