Mods minecraft » Mods For Minecraft [Every Mod Available is here] » Mods for Minecraft 1.19.4 » Citadel Mod for Minecraft 1.19.4, 1.19.3 and 1.19.2 (Forge)

Citadel Mod for Minecraft 1.19.4, 1.19.3 and 1.19.2 (Forge)

1.19.4 1.19.3, 1.19.2 and 1.19
⚡️ Available Versions📥 Official Download Links (CurseForge)
MinecraftDownload Citadel 1.19.4
MinecraftDownload Citadel 1.19.3, 1.19.2 and 1.19
Review and Tutorial of Citadel Mod 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2 and 1.19.

Citadel Mod for Minecraft 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2 and 1.19, a famous mod created as a response to an old mod with similar characteristics, only for the most recent versions of Minecraft and leaving aside the implementation of the old mod due to the lack of support for recent versions and in this way arriving Citadel mod as a great improvement in several aspects, in addition to adding new features that facilitate its implementation as a dependency on several mods focused mainly on the animations of the entities next to their properties.

mod information.

Animations and entity properties mod for Minecraft 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2 and 1.19

Citadel being a mod library by itself does not add any changes. Citadel mod provides modding work for other mods when it comes to animating entities, loading .tbl Tabula and .obj Waveront models which includes tracking entity properties. And as already mentioned before, the predecessor of Citadel, LLibrary will no longer be updated staying in the famous version of Minecraft 1.12.2.

mod configuration.

How to Download and Install a Mod for Minecraft 1.19.4, 1.19.3, 1.19.2 and 1.19? (FORGE/FABRIC/QUILT)

  1. HaveForge /Fabric /  Quilt  installed (choose the mod loader appropriate for the version of the mod you are downloading)
  2. Download theCitadel “.jar”  file from the official links (below you have them)
  3. Open the windows search engine and enter %appdata%
  4. Here you will find the folder “.minecraft”, enter it
  5. Then here look for the folder “mods”
  6. Once found, put the downloaded “.jar” mod in there
  7. Now you just have to open Minecraft, select the Forge / Fabric / Quilt profile in your game Launcher (depending on the downloaded version of the mod)
  8. Launch Minecraft and enjoy the mods you have installed!
Something You Should Know (CopyRight):
– We only use Official Author Links, they are 100% Secure.
– We do not modify or add any extras to any of the files.
– All Mods, Textures, Shaders and contents are not hosted on our server.

Download Citadel Mod Version 1.19.3, 1.19.2 and 1.19 for Minecraft

Usually all mods of sbom_xela (creator), among them, the famous mods of Alex’s Mobs and Ice and Fire: Dragons use Citadel as a dependency. Citadel’s codebase is largely derived from LLibrary, keeping some of the code in Citadel’s development. And as an extra fact in the most recent versions of the Citadel mod there is a configuration option to change the limit of how many mobs should be generated being this useful when used it combines several mods that allow the spawn of mobs with Citadel, since without changing this it can be a bit complicated to find vanilla mobs.

  • A mod library that was remade from the LLibrary code for more current versions, which allowed to implement new features taking advantage of the big changes that were made in Minecraft, in addition to adding a manual configuration file for modpack creators which makes it easier to modify some data for better handling.

Click on the following button to download the Mod and its add-ons:

Download Citadel Mod Version 1.19.4 for Minecraft

In its latest updated version for Minecraft 1.19.4, some bugs have been fixed and new features have been added, making creating complex mods and integrating with other mods much easier.

  • Some of the features included in Citadel were also improved, such as creature modeling tools, the custom sound system and the ability to interact with game elements such as mob AI and particle effects control.

Click on the following button to download Citadel 1.19.4:


Sobre el autor: Me presento, soy Ykzen, un jugador de Minecraft desde hace más de 11 años, he estado desde mi infancia explorando los universos minecraftianos y de verdad he hecho de esto una manera de disfrutar de mi tiempo libre. Ahora me dedico a crear el mejor contenido posible relacionado con los Mods, Shaders y Texturas que la comunidad de minecraft crea.

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